(2024-10-04) 國立陽明交通大學材料科學與工程學系誠徵助理教授以上之專任教師 Download▼
(2025-3-6) 114學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學正取生報到須知: 114學年度陽明交通大學奈米碩士班考試入學正取生報到須知 / 114奈米碩新生報到資料表 / 切結書 / 奈米科技碩士班指導教授志願書(Application for Designating a Thesis Advisor) / 放棄聲明書 / 114學年度奈米碩士班考試入學指導教授名單
(2025-2-25)本校114年「尹珣若品學及論文優良暨陽明交通大學碩士班優良論文獎學金」於114年3月21日(五)收件截止,敬請查照。The application for “Excellent the Yang Ming Chaio Tung Scholarship for Outstanding Master Dissertation” is open until Apr 7, 2025. / 1.114年尹珣若品學及論文優良暨陽明交通碩士班優良論文獎學金注意事項.pdf / 2.114年尹珣若品學及論文優良暨陽明交通碩士班優良論文申請表.odt / 3.114年尹珣若品學及論文優良暨陽明交通碩士班優良論文獎學金比賽入圍須知.pdf / Precautions for Excellent the Yang Ming Chaio Tung Scholarship for Outstanding Master Dissertation.pdf / Excellent the Yang Ming Chaio Tung Scholarship for Outstanding Master Dissertation application form.odt / Information for Shortlisted Students.pdf
(2025-2-25)本校114年「陽明交通大學博士班優良論文獎學金」於114年4月7日(一)收件截止,敬請查照。The application for “Yang Ming Chiao Tung Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation” is open until Apr 7, 2025.114年陽明交通大學博士班優良論文獎學金申請注意事項.pdf / 114年陽明交通大學博士班優良論文獎學金申請表.odt / 114年陽明交通大學博士班優良論文獎學金比賽入圍同學須知.pdf / Rules of Application for the Yang Ming Chiao Tung Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation.pdf / Yang Ming Chiao Tung Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Application Form.odt / Information for Shortlisted Students.pdf
(2025-2-25) 113學年度學生傑出貢獻獎開始受理申請(本系收件截止:3/14(五) 下午4點) 國立陽明交通大學學生傑出貢獻獎推薦表 國立陽明交通大學學生傑出貢獻獎頒授辦法110.05.03
(2025-2-17) 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第8次備取公告 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第8次備取公告/ 切結書 / 奈米科技碩士班指導教授志願書(Application for Designating a Thesis Advisor) / 放棄聲明書 / 114奈米碩新生報到資料表
(2025-2-14) 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第7次備取公告 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第7次備取公告/ 切結書 / 奈米科技碩士班指導教授志願書(Application for Designating a Thesis Advisor) / 放棄聲明書 / 114奈米碩新生報到資料表
(2025-2-11) 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第6次備取公告 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第6次備取公告/ 切結書 / 奈米科技碩士班指導教授志願書(Application for Designating a Thesis Advisor) / 放棄聲明書 / 114奈米碩新生報到資料表
(2025-2-5) 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第5次備取公告 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第5次備取公告/ 切結書 / 奈米科技碩士班指導教授志願書(Application for Designating a Thesis Advisor) / 放棄聲明書 / 114奈米碩新生報到資料表
(2024-12-24) 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第4次備取公告 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第4次備取公告/ 切結書 / 奈米科技碩士班指導教授志願書(Application for Designating a Thesis Advisor) / 放棄聲明書 / 114奈米碩新生報到資料表
(2024-12-30)2025總統教育獎申請公告,有意申請者請於114年1月2日(星期四)17:00前將申請資料送系辦審核。1.來文頁面檔 2.實施計畫
(2024-12-24) 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第3次備取公告 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第3次備取公告/ 切結書 / 奈米科技碩士班指導教授志願書(Application for Designating a Thesis Advisor) / 放棄聲明書 / 114奈米碩新生報到資料表
(2024-12-18) 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第2次備取公告 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第2次備取公告/ 切結書 / 奈米科技碩士班指導教授志願書(Application for Designating a Thesis Advisor) / 放棄聲明書 / 114奈米碩新生報到資料表
(2024-12-11) 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第1次備取公告 114學年度材料系奈米科技碩士班甄試入學第1次備取公告 / 切結書 / 奈米科技碩士班指導教授志願書(Application for Designating a Thesis Advisor) / 放棄聲明書 / 114奈米碩新生報到資料表
(2024-12-10) 114學年度陽明交大奈米碩士班考試入學考生資料表填寫連結 報名連結▼
(2024-12-06) 113 奈米所及加速器學程碩士畢業服申請借用作業通知 Download▼
(2024-11-27) 114學年度材料系奈米碩士班甄試入學正取生報到須知: 114學年度陽明交通大學奈米碩士班甄試正取生報到須知 / 114奈米碩新生報到資料表 / 切結書 / 奈米科技碩士班指導教授志願書(Application for Designating a Thesis Advisor) / 放棄聲明書
(2024-11-20) 113學年度奈米碩士班碩一新生可至系辦許小姐領回畢業證書, 須本人簽領不可代拿,謝謝!
(2024-11-19) 本校特別邀請N95口罩核心技術發明人、台灣「N95口罩之父」蔡秉燚教授(美國田納西大學榮譽教授)蒞校演講。蔡教授將親自分享N95技術的創新歷程,探討防護材料在疫情中的應用,機會難得,不容錯過!誠摯邀請校內師生共襄盛舉,踴躍報名參加 !!填寫連結▼
(2023-11-06) 114學年度奈米碩士班甄試入學複試公告 初試合格名單/ Oral exam notes and sequence list / Re-examination oral test report format template
(2024-09-18) 獎補助公告】113年度第1梯次「學生優良研究成果獎勵」即日起至113年10月7日(一)中午12:00前受理申請,逾期不受理。The applications for “Incentives for Students’ Excellent Research Results for the Year 2024” will be accepted from now until October 7, 2024 (Monday). Download▼
(2024-09-09) 國科會博士生研究獎學金試辦方案(114年國科會甄選類別),113年10月1日~10月31日止國科會線上申請。Download▼
(2024-09-02) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第51次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-09-01) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第50次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-09-01) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第49次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-30) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第48次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-30) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第47次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-30) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第46次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-30) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第45次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-30) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第44次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-30) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第43次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-30) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第42次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-30) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第41次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-30) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第40次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-30) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第39次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-29) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第38次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-29) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第37次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-28) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第36次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-28) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第35次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-27) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第34次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-26) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第33次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-26) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第32次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-21) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第31次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-20) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第30次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-19) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第29次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-19) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第28次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-16) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第27次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-14) 113學年度第一學期奈米碩士班課程抵免開始申請 Download▼
(2024-08-16) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第27次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-14) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第26次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-14) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第25次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-13) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第24次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-09) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第23次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-09) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第22次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-07) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第21次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-08-06) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第20次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-07-17) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班考試入學第19次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-07-30) 工學院學生英語檢測獎勵金自即日起至7月31日止受理申請 Download▼
(2024-06-14) For the second round of the applications for “Incentives for Students' Excellent Research Results for the Year 2023” will be accepted from now until July 8, 2024 (Monday)announcement/Announcement(Eng)/appendix
(2024-06-14) The Department of Materials will invite Dr. Esther Levy to give a lecture at the Ubeck Hall of the Sixth Engineering Hall on 113.6.19 (Wednesday) from 13:30 to 14:30.Download▼
(2024-05-23) Welcome to the Graduation Ceremony of the Institute of Engineering on June 15th invitation card/Registration form
(2024-05-21) Announcement of the 17th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-05-21) Announcement of the 16th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-05-16) Announcement of the 15th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-05-10) Announcement of the 14th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-05-06) Announcement of the 13th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-04-30) Announcement of the 12th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-04-25) Announcement of the 11th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-04-23) Announcement of the 10th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-04-18) Announcement of the 9th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-04-15) Announcement of the 8th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-04-11) Announcement of the 7th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-04-08) Announcement of the 6th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-03-29) Announcement of the 5th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-03-26) Announcement of the 4th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-03-21) Announcement of the 3th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
Announcement of the 2th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
Announcement of the 1th admission preparation for the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th academic year Download▼
(2024-03-05) The Jiaotong University Campus Student Outstanding Contribution Award for the 112th academic year begins accepting applications ~ ends on March 21 Download▼
(2024-03-04) Registration Instructions for Admission to the Nano Master Class of the Department of Materials in the 113th Academic Year Download▼
(2024-03-04) TSMC 2024 Smart Manufacturing Workshop is now open for registration! Download▼
(2024-01-05) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班甄試入學第4次備取公告 Download▼
(2024-01-04) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班甄試入學第3次備取公告 Download▼
(2023-12-06) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班甄試入學第2次備取公告 Download▼
(2023-12-06) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班甄試入學第1次備取公告 Download▼
(2023-12-01) 2024年總統教育獎推薦事宜 Download▼
(2023-11-28) 113學年度材料系奈米碩士班甄試入學正取生報到須知 Download▼
(2023-11-03) The Department of Materials Science and Engineering of National Yang-Ming University of Science and Technology is seeking full-time teachers above the level of assistant professor Download▼
(2023-11-02) Announcement of the Re-examination for Nano Master Class in the 113th Academic Year Announcement of re-examination list/ Oral exam notes and sequence list/ Re-examination oral test report format template
(2023-10-06) Registration information for the Nano Master Class Screening Examination for the 113th academic year: Candidate Information Sheet Instructions Download▼